
Congratulations to the following winter athletes for receiving EBC Honors!

EBC First TeamBrandon Alexander - Boys Basketball
Jack Penturf - Wrestling
EBC Second TeamGage Ford - Boys Basketball
Aidan Mozden - Wrestling
Joe Pennington - Wrestling
Tomas Simmons - Wrestling
EBC Honorable MentionDiego Allen - Boys Basketball
Devon Bing - Boys Bowling
Nicole Cox - Girls Bowling
Jackson Eddy - Wrestling
Mackenzie Fletcher - Girls Basketball
Skyler McGrath - Boys Bowling
Ella Smith - Girls Basketball
Adam Zumbar - Wrestling
Brendan Zurbrugg - Boys Basketball

Congratulations to the senior athletes for the winter season!

Boys BasketballBrandon Alexander
Girls Basketball
Mackenzie Fletcher
Girls BowlingEmma Atwell
Alaina Church
Nicole Cox
Boys SwimmingGage Brunoni
Anthony Zumbar
Girls SwimmingElizabeth Davidson
Julia Schwartz
Alyssa White
Sideline CheerOlivia Franks
Kayla Martin
WrestlingJoe Pennington
Jack Penturf